Exporting Reports

Dashboard traffic data can be exported as a PDF report. Dashboard report is a collection of individual chart reports present on the Dashboard. Read more on the characteristics of these chart reports on page Traffic Reports.

To generate a Dashboard report, click on the vertical ellipsis symbol in the upper right corner, and choose Report > Export from the provided menu.

The images above show an example of a PDF report (right image) generated for the two charts displayed on the Dashboard (left image). Report for each of these two charts will be included separately in the Dashboard report, therefore the exported report will have one or more pages per chart. One chart may result in a multiple pages report if the Top N value is big enough to extend the table on more than one page.

Scheduling Reports

Adding Email Reports

The desired PDF report can be scheduled for periodical delivery via email.

To schedule an email report, select Report > Schedule from the menu (the vertical ellipsis symbol in the upper right corner).

To set a report, you need to fill out the following fields:

  1. Name - define the report title ((info) The report will be listed by the defined name in  >Settings > NetFlow Settings > Reports)
  2. To - third party recipients which will receive a report via email ((info) Email does not need to belong to a defined NetVizura user)
  3. Frequency - a particular period of time when email should be delivered ((info) Email will be delivered on the 1st day of the selected time period. For weekly reports, the 1st day of the week depends on the server local time configuration).
  4. Message -a custom body of the email text.

Managing Email Reports

Existing reports are further managed in  >Settings > NetFlow Settings > Reports. Here scheduled reports can be edited, removed or cloned. For more check out the page Managing Reports.

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