Time series data are the main part of NetVizura data. Until now we have stored these data in the traditional Relational SQL database only. However, other approaches became very popular in terms of storing, searching and visualization of time series data. One of the most popular solutions is Elasticsearch database, mainly created for searching data but evolved into a powerful noSQL database optimized for logs and time series data.
At the moment, NetVizura is in the process of transition of time series data metrics from traditional RDBMS (PostgreSQL) to Elasticsearch database. While the aforementioned transition is ongoing, whether the Elasticsearch database will be enabled is left to the users to decide.
If you decide to enable Elasticsearch, you will be able to test and/or use our new Dashboard Beta functionality. Completely aware that this is a big change, we are changing the database gradually. Also, this means that every user can get to know our new features step by step. And most importantly - we hope that this would lead to as much feedback as possible. Every feedback will be very valuable for the future development of NetVizura.
To learn more about Dashboard Beta read Dashboard Beta.
PostgreSQL will still be a main database of NetVizura in the near future. Once NetVizura database starts completely to rely on Elasticsearch regarding time series data, all charts and tables will retrieve data from it. Hopefully, this change will lead to many great and customizable features.
Thank you for your interest in our new functionality! We hope you will enjoy using improved NetVizura, and we look forward to receiving your feedback (positive and negative are both equally welcome).