Charts can have two types of titles: generic or customized. The generic title is created step by step as you fill out the fields in pop-up. If you would prefer to use your title, just erase parts or entire generic title in the Title field and enter the customized one. It is possible to amend the title in any given moment.

NetFlow Analyzer allows you to create 256 characters long titles. Do not worry that the longer title will not be readable. Once you save the dashboard and hover over the title, you will be able to see the chart title in its entirety.

Any change of values in the pop-up fields will automatically reflect in the generic title. However, none of the amendments will be apparent in the customized title, meaning that the title you have established would remain the same.

You can restore the generic title anytime. Open Edit graph pop-up, empty Title field (this is a mandatory step), and the generic title will appear in the drop-down. Click on this drop-down will lead to the populated Title field.

To learn more about Edit graph pop-up read How to edit dashboard and a chart (Edit Graph pop-up).

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