Distribution by conversation shows who is talking with whom (end to end), i.e. which conversation is consuming most of the bandwidth, information valuable for further network optimization.

To see top conversations:

  1. Choose a node type (Exporters, Traffic Patterns, Subnet Sets or Favorites) from the accordion in the Menu Panel
  2. Select desired node (Exporter, Interface, Traffic Pattern, Subnet Set or Subnet) from the Node Tree
  3. Choose Conversation from the Tab panel



NetVizura NetFlow - Top talkers by Conversations


In/Out definition depends on the selected node. For interface traffic In traffic corresponds to traffic that entered the exporter through that interface. For Traffic Patterns In traffic corresponds to the traffic destined to Internal Network in Traffic Pattern definition.

For more info, see:

The screenshot above indicates that top conversation is between X.X.1.42 and X.X.36.2, using Cisco CDP service and TCP protocol. It is also notable that the conversation consumed Max 1kbps of Out and 75 kbps of In traffic.

  • Conversation consists of two hosts/IP addresses, service and protocol. Traffic between two hosts is treated as one conversation only if same service and protocol are used.
  • Lower IP address is placed first, higher is second - the order of IP addresses does not depend on whether host is Source/Destination or in Internal/External Network.
  • Service is not the same as port - one service can use more different ports. In this case, traffic between two hosts using any port associated to a same service is treated as one conversation.


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