Our app offers a powerful and user-friendly search functionality to ensure you find exactly what you’re looking for. By default, searches are performed using a match query in Elasticsearch. This method searches for the exact phrase you’ve entered, scanning the entire message to provide precise and accurate results.

There are two types of queries: 

  1. Match Query (Default): Searches for the exact phrase you’ve entered. You can add multiple words separated by spaces to search for all of them at once, ensuring comprehensive results for your query.
  2. Wildcard Query (Fallback): If the match query doesn’t return any results, NetVizura automatically switches to a wildcard query in the background. This method broadens the search, providing results even if your input only partially matches the text. It’s ideal for situations where you’re unsure of the exact spelling and phrasing or if you remember just a part of the content.

Why does two-step query matters?

This seamless two-step process ensures you always get relevant results:

  • When you know the exact phrase, the match query delivers pinpoint accuracy.
  • When you’re uncertain or have only partial information, the wildcard query ensures you don’t miss out.

With this enhanced search functionality, you can confidently find what you’re looking for, whether you remember it in full or just a fragment. This happens instantly in the background, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

Match Query Example

We are searching for the term „start.” Because the messages contain an exact „start“ word, the search shows only results that have „start“ in them.

Wildcard Query Example

We are entering the term „star“ in the search field. The messages had no exact phrase star, so it switched to the wildcard query. Results now show all messages that contain a „star“ in any part of their words, for example, „start“ and „restart. “

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