To view NetVizura EventLog system state, click System tab while in View Mode.

System tab shows NetVizura EventLog system traffic. Tab is organized in two sections: Syslog and SNMP Trap. Each section has a chart and a corresponding table as shown on the Figure 11: System tab - Syslog messages.

NetVizura EventLog - System tab

Syslog Messages

  • Processed - logs processed by the service

  • Filtered - logs rejected by the service due to filtering

  • Dropped - logs dropped by the service due to high load

  • Unlicensed - obfuscated logs due to license limitations

Logs sent to NetVizura server are put in the buffer before processing. Logs are taken from the buffer and matched against the license and Syslog filters. If the the number syslog exporters exceeds the license limit - the log's message will be obfuscated (Unlicensed logs). If a filter marks a log to be reject it will be not be stored or processed (filtered logs). If the buffer is full (to many logs are being sent), incoming packets will not be stored or processed (Dropped logs). Logs that are not dropped, obfuscated or filtered are counted as Processed log.

To manage your Syslog filters, go to  > Settings > EventLog Settings > Syslog filtering. To learn more about Syslog filters, go to

SNMP Trap Messages

  • Processed - traps processed by the service

  • Filtered – traps rejected by the service due to filtering

  • Unlicensed - obfuscated logs due to license limitations

Traps are matched against the license and SNMP Trap filters. If the the number trap exporters exceeds the license limit - the trap's message will be obfuscated (Unlicensed traps). If a filter marks a trap to be reject it will be not be stored or processed (Filtered traps). Traps that are not obfuscated or filtered are counted as Processed traps.

To manage your SNMP Trap filters, go to  > Settings > EventLog Settings > SNMP Trap filtering.

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