in command shell on the server execute tcpdump port 2055 command - you should see steady stream of packets received by the server (2055 is the default NetFlow port)
if there is no netflow packets check your firewalls, access lists to enable packets to be received by NetVizura server;
in command shell on the server execute watch -n1 "ls -l /var/lib/netvizura/flow/temp" - after several seconds you should see that tmp.bin file size is increasing
if tmp.bin file size is not increasing, but tcpdump shows that netflow packets are reaching the server check your local firewall configuration (usually iptables) or NetVizura NetFlow Collection port (see below).
Check if Collection port on the server is open and that NetVizura is listening on that port
Check that firewall is allowing packets on NetFlow port (the default is 2055)
Execute command service iptables status to view firewall configuration. There has to be a line present which is allowing traffic on NetFlow port (2055)
Check that NetVizura is listening on NetFlow port
Execute command netstat -noap | grep 2055 and verify that there is a line present similar to following:
udp 0 0 :::2055 :::* 28004/java off (0.00/0/0)
It is important that java process is the one that occupied NetFlow port - not some other process. If some other process already occupied NetFlow port you need to reconfigure that other process to use a different port.
Check that Collection port is accessible outside the NetVizura serve
on a remote host execute command nmap netvizura_ip_address -sU -p 2055 where netvizura_ip_address is the address of NetVizura server. In the output of the command you should see that the port is open.
Check netflow exporter configuration:
Check if netflow device is configured to send netflows to the NetVizura server IP address and collection port
Collection port in NetVizura application can be set in Settings > NetFlow Settings > Configuration
Default Collection port is 2055
Try installing a netflow generator and set it to export data to the NetVizura server
if there is traffic on the chart then netflow exporter configuration is not good
if there is no traffic on the chart, check if the traffic is being blocked (access lists, firewalls)