After configuring your devices and installing NetVizura EventLog you should verify that:

  1. Devices are exporting syslog and trap messages to the same port that NetVizura EventLog is listening to.

  2. Messages are passing the network firewall and reaching the NetVizura Server

  3. NetVizura Server Port to which syslog messages are sent is open



NetVizura EventLog - initial configuration



By default, syslog messages are exporter form the devices to port 514, while NetVizura listens on the port 33514. You need to (1) redirect syslog messages to the 33514, or (2) export syslog messages to 33514, or (3) change NetVizura EventLog configuration.

On Linux systems ports lower than 1024 can not be used by application, unless the root privileges are given to NetVizura EventLog.

To change NetVizura EventLog configuration go to Settings > EventLog Settings > Configuration and under Service options change the Syslog socket port value.



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