Here you are able to set report's:
- Name - that will be used in the further report management in the Settings
- To - third party recipients which will receive emails (
Recipient does not have to be included as NetVizura user, practically meaning that any email address can be used) - Frequency - period when email will be delivered (
Email will be delivered on the 1st day of each period. For weekly reports, 1st day of the week depends the server local time configuration). - Message - text that will show in the body of the email.

Managing Email Reports
Existing reports are further managed in NetFlow Settings > Reports where scheduled reports can be edited, removed or cloned.
To edit an existing report:
- Select pen icon (
) - You are able to modify the following report's:
- Report Name
- To recipients
- Frequency
- Scope
Only same-level nodes are possible to change for the same report. All other report options, such as Throughput, bits, In/Out etc. are unchangeable) - Subject of the message
- Message body
- Click Save
To remove a report, select minus icon (
To clone a report, select copy icon (
), and follow modification steps similar to report editing.