
This is a step by step guide for NetVizura backup.
Backup procedure will save the application's current state, such as database records, raw data files, MIB database and other relevant information.
Once backup is complete, you can save backup files on your storage and restore application at any time.


Before starting with backup procedure, please make sure you have enough free disk space for database backup, raw files archive and installation directory data.
Depending on your usage, both database and raw files archive, can take up more than a few gigabytes of disk space.

Step 1: Stopping Tomcat

Stop Tomcat service before starting backup procedure to avoid database or archive being modified, while performing backup.

systemctl stop tomcat8

Step 2: Database Backup

Execute the following command from Linux terminal

Run command with user who has sudo rights, or with root user

When you enter the following command, you will be prompt for password. Password is netvizura in our ISO or OVA images. Otherwise it is what you've assigned to the user during installation

sudo -u postgres pg_dump netvizura > netvizura.dump

The result of database backup is dump file in your current directory. Keep in mind that the size of the file can be big, if you plan on copying it to other machines, we would recommend using gzip for compressing the file.

Step 3: Backup Opt Directory

Opt directory contains netvizura web files and various other files(EULA, FALA, etc)

To backup whole folder, go to the /opt directory with: cd /opt

Then pack the whole directory with:

sudo tar -pzcvf netvizura-opt.tgz netvizura/

Step 4: Backup Var  directory

Netvizura Var directory contains numerous things, from license to various configuration files up to archive files.

To backup whole folder, go to the /var/lib directory with: cd /var/lib

Then pack the whole directory with:

sudo tar -pzcvf netvizura-var.tgz netvizura/

Step 5: Start Tomcat service

Finally, start Tomcat service.

systemctl start tomcat8


The results of the backup procedure are the following files :

  1. postgres db file
  2. NetVizura opt archive
  3. Netvizura var archive

Save these files to another server or external storage for backup.

See also

How to perform NetVizura restore on Linux(Ubuntu 18.04 example)

Backup file, in which raw archive data will be stored, is going to be the roughly the same size as the archive itself, since it already contains compressed files.

For faster,parallel compression, you could use pigz , parallel gzip. The archives size will be the same, but pigz will use all cores on machine, where as gzip uses only one core. You can install pigz via apt, eg apt install pigz -y.

Please make sure that path to NetFlow archive directory is correct.
You can check this by going to  > Settings > NetFlow settings > Configuration under Archived files folder property

If you changed those parameters,you should backup all those folders respectively

Archive files are files  that have been processed for aggregation and imported into NetVizura database. They are after that used for Raw Data inspection.

It is a good practice to rename backup files, so that they contain date and time of the backup.