Convenient place to start using NetVizura in your everyday activities is the Dashboard. It is an easy to look, one page overview of your network state.  

Dashboard provides an overview of your network by showing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) side-by-side in one place. 


Active Alarms

Here you are able to check how many alarms are currently active in your network.

Alarms are presented in real-time, in a donut chart, so that you can get an overview about their proportion, as well as in their own cards in case you want to quickly determine distribution of alarms by severity.

Above screenshot shows 620 currently active alarms, where 1 of them belongs to emergency level, 332 to alert, 6 to critical, 1 to error, 5 to warning, 20 to notice, 247 to informational and 8 to debug.

It is possible to learn the exact type of alarm by hovering the alarm card or on the donut chart. Clicking on the alarm level in the chart or on the card leads to Alarm module where you can see more details and actions. 

Read more about Traffic Alarms.