How to Contact Us

If you need to report a problem, request a new feature or ask for help, you can contact NetVizura team in two ways: submit a customer request on our Support portal or email us. 

  1. Customer Portal

    Go to web page and login to your account.

    NetVizura Customer Portal

    Here you can see previous request tickets, their statuses and correspondence. You will get notified on status changes and NetVizura team replies via email.

    If you do not have an account:
    1. Send initial email to
    2. You will receive automatic reply with the link to the portal  page
    3. Enter password to complete registration and enter your account
  2. Email

Send an email to This will automatically open a ticket on our Customer Portal. After support agent reviews your request, you will receive notification reply that support ticket is in progress.

NetVizura Support Email

You can continue to reply via email (ticket will be updated automatically) or start using the Customer Portal.

Please do not change the Subject line (eg. "[JIRA] (NetVizura Support) Houston, we've had a problem!  |NVSUP13] "). This will ensure that all relevant information (emails, comments etc.) are synchronized with the ticket on our Customer Portal.

How to Report a Problem

Before submitting a problem, please try to find a solution in the search box provided at

If none of the provided resources help, we kindly ask you to send necessary information so that we can quickly analyze, diagnose and provide solution to your problem: 

  1. Summary and Description of problem

  2. Version and Build of the application ( > About in the upper right corner of the application)

  3. Screenshot of the problem

  4. Zipped Tomcat logs ((warning) whole directory, not just the last file)

    1. For Debian 7 / Debian 8 / Ubuntu 14 / Ubuntu 16 / CentOS 6: /var/log/tomcat6 or /var/log/tomcat7

    2. For CentOS 7:

      1. Dump journalctl to file: journalctl -u tomcat --no-pager > /var/log/tomcat/journalctl.out 2>&1

      2. Zip entire Tomcat log directory /var/log/tomcat

    3. For Windows: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\logs or C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\logs

  5. Zipped PostgreSQL logs ((warning) whole pg_log directory)
    1. For Linux: /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_log/, /var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_log or /var/log/postgresql
    2. For Windows: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data\pg_log
  6. System tab > Performance, Flow screenshots (if problem is performance related)

  7. Environment

    1. Hardware: CPU, RAM, HDD

    2. Software: OS, Java, PostgreSQL, Tomcat, browser

  8. Priority (optionally)

Versions of Tomcat and PostgreSQL may differ on your server.


NetVizura Submit a Problem

In Linux, directory can be zipped with command:

tar -zcf /tmp/netvizura_logs.tar.gz \
-C /var/log/tomcat/ .

Output archive will be /tmp/netvizura_logs.tar.gz